Prep School – New Parent Information
Everything you need to know about starting at St Columba’s College
Induction Dates
Induction Events |
Date |
All New Parents Induction and Social Evening | Wednesday 26 June, 6.30-8.00pm |
Familiarisation Session
Reception Prep 1 & 2 Prep 3 – 6 |
Monday 8 July
9.00-10.00am 9.00am-3.15pm 8.30am-3.30pm |
New Families Welcome BBQ | Sunday 1 September, 1.00-4.00pm |
Term Dates and School Calendar
Standard School Day Timings
Lower Prep (Reception. Prep 1 and 2): 8.20am-3.15pm
Upper Prep (Prep 3, 4, 5 and 6): 8.20am-3.30pm
Starting the New Term – Reception students only
Wednesday 4th September | 9am -10am with tea/coffee for parents |
Thursday 5th September | 8.20am – 12pm |
Friday 6th September | 8.20am – 12pm |
Monday 9th September | 8.20am – 12pm |
Tuesday 10th September | 8.20am -1.30pm lunch at school |
Wednesday 11th September | 8.20am – 1.30pm lunch at school |
Thursday 12th September | 8.20am 3.15pm |
Friday 13th September | 8.20am – 3.15pm |
School Fees
School Fees
Year Group | Termly Fee | VAT | Total |
Reception – Prep 2 | £4,675.00 | £935.00 | £5,610.00 |
Prep 3 | £5,470.00 | £1,094.00 | £6,564.00 |
Prep 4 | £6,019.00 | £1,203.80 | £7,222.80 |
Prep 5 & 6 | £6,095.00 | £1,219.00 | £7,314.00 |
Senior | £7,103.00 | £1,420.60 | £8,523.60 |
Termly fees are payable by the first day of term. You will be sent an invoice just prior to the start of each term by our Finance department.
School fees cover all tuition and costs except public exam fees, trips, uniform, swimming lessons, music tuition, some extra-curricular activities and meals.
The Schedule of Fees is announced to parents by the Chair of Governors at the end of the Lent term. By the Easter weekend, this information is available to all.
Sibling Discount
Sibling discounts are available on fees: second child 3%, third child 4% and fourth child 5%.
Paying Fees Upfront
There is the option to pay for fees upfront. Please contact the Finance department directly to discuss this
Payment via Monthly Instalments
School Fee Plan is a provider of finance for school fees and can offer payment via monthly instalments. Please go to for more information.
For further advice or help regarding fees, please contact
Childcare Vouchers
Using Childcare Vouchers
You can use childcare vouchers in the Prep School for clubs and activities before School and after School. They can be used for Breakfast Club and Afterschool care along with the clubs that run during the term. Prep School also have holiday activity days that run in the Summer, Easter, and Christmas periods which childcare vouchers can be used for.
We do not accept childcare vouchers for payment of fees or any School trips.
Should you wish to use childcare vouchers then we are registered with many different providers. Please contact our Finance department, to check which childcare providers we are registered with and how to make a payment with childcare vouchers.
School Payments via School Gateway
Making Payments
Our online payment system, School Gateway, is used to book and pay for trips, school activities and performances, wrap around care, second hand uniform, coaches, clubs and extra curricular activities, as well as topping up money for lunches and snacks.
A School Gateway account will be set up for new students just before the beginning of the new term (usually a few days before). It can be accessed via the App, or from the Parent Hub page on our website. Further details regarding this will be provided by our Finance department, including an invite with details on how to download the App.
Parent Communication through EduLink
What is EduLink?
EduLink One is a package introduced by the school a number of years ago now which will enable you to access some of the information about your child. This now includes:
- Their current timetable
- Attendance data, both overall and in individual subjects
- A record of any achievement points awarded.
- The contact and other key information we hold on your child.
- Access to other key documentation such as letters and reports
- Viewing the balance and transaction for catering.
- The ability to book, review and edit Parents Evening appointments.
- Links to the Sports Website and Shape Timetable.
- Absence reporting.
There are two ways to access Edulink One, through its website:
Alternatively, you can access it through the mobile applications available for both Google Android and Apple iOS devices in their respective app stores.
In addition to this, you will need your own personal login details, the school ID for all users is “AL3 4AW” (no quotation marks) and you will be provided with a username and password separately, usually a few days before the new term starts. If you have any problems logging in, please contact
Please ensure when installing Edulink on your smart phone or tablet that you allow notifications. This will ensure that you are notified of any messages or updates sent out from the College.
A Parent’s Guide to EduLink
House System
There are four Houses, each with a House colour:
Alban Green
Becket Yellow
Fisher Red
More Blue
In every Form, there will be a number of children from each House.
School Uniform and Second Hand Uniform
School Uniform
Day school uniform is available from Stevensons: / 01727 853262
School sportswear is available from Tylers: / 01707 396900
The school dress code lists the daily uniform requirements and items to be purchased. Students do not require to have a St Columba’s College logo on their coats or bags. Coats these should be plain black or dark blue, and non-branded. Bags should also be black and non-branded.
Second Hand Uniform
Second hand uniform, including school blazers and some of the sports kit, is managed by the Prep and Senior Parents’ Associations Second Hand uniform is available on many occasions throughout the year, including at the Welcome BBQ, Coffee Mornings, the Columban Fayre and New Parents’ Welcome Evenings in June. If you cannot attend a sale, please contact the SCPA with details of what you are looking for.
For further information about Second Hand Uniform, please contact the SCPA through the School Office at
Stationary and Equipment List
What to Bring
For Upper Prep pupils we would recommend a zipped pencil case containing the following:
• an eraser
• a 30 cm ruler
• 3 x sharpened HB pencils
• a roller ball pen (Please note comments below)
• a small glue stick
• 2 different highlighter pens
• colouring pencils
• a sharpener with attached shavings container
• protractor, set square (no compasses)
• a pair of rounded end scissors.
• No gel pens or felt tip pens. We prefer pupils to use coloured pencils.
We recommend that as far as possible these items be labelled
Roller-ball pen for all written work in study subjects. We recommend a ‘Parker’ or ‘Uniball’ Vision Elite roller ball (or a fountain pen in Prep 6). Pencils, rubber and ruler for maths and diagrams in other subjects. Blue ink only. Biros are not permitted.
Pens and glue sticks may be purchased from the school office. Items sold will be added to your consumables bill.
Coach Routes and Costs
Coach Transport
Coach transport is available to Prep 5 and 6 students only.
School coaches use the nearest public bus stop and arrive at Westminster Lodge: 8.10-8.15am.
Coaches depart from Westminster Lodge carpark at the bottom school gate. On Mondays and Fridays they depart at 4.05pm and when extra-curricular activities are running, late coaches depart on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 5pm.
Daily coaches run at an extra cost from the surrounding districts.
£15.45 – Regular users return journey
£17.40 – Ad hoc full day pass via School Gateway
£8.80 – Single journey for all users
These can be purchased through School Gateway. Please contact the Bursar’s PA, should you require any information on the coaches or require a permanent seat on one of the routes.
Catering/ Lunches
Catering and Costs
Weekly menus are available to view on the School website. Students can purchase a School meal or bring a packed lunch.
- Lower Prep School lunches: £3.60 per day
- Upper Prep School lunches: £4.60 per day
We are a nut free school. Food allergies and dietary requirements are catered for and there is always a vegetarian option available. Please ensure to give full details on the data collection and medical forms provided by Admissions.
Meals are provided by a cashless system. Credit can be topped up on the student’s School Gateway account. Lunch costs are deducted on a consumption basis, with the balance at the end of each term rolled forward to the following term.
Wrap Around Care
Wrap Around Care
Breakfast Club: From 7.30am
After School Care: Until 5.30pm
Cost is £5 per hour and can be booked on School Gateway. It needs to be booked and paid for one week in advance.
Holiday Club is also available during certain dates of the term holidays. For more details please contact Mr Turpin:
Extra-Curricular Activities
Clubs and Extra-Curricular Activities
Most activities between 3.30-4.30pm Monday to Friday are included in the fees. Some activities such as Chess, LAMDA, Rugby Tots, Tennis, Golf, Football and Fencing are run by external agencies and are chargeable.
Cost ranges from £0-8 per session. These are booked on School Gateway just prior to the start of term once the timetable is published.
Music Lessons
Year Groups
Please note that instrumental lessons are on offer to students in Prep 3 and above. There may be scope to start lessons at an earlier age but this is left to the discretion of the individual VMT.
Instrumental/ Vocal Lessons Available
The Visiting Music Teachers (VMTs) teach weekly half hour music lessons. There is sometimes availability for lessons to be taught before and after school, but this is very limited.
Priority for lunchtime lessons is normally given to GCSE students (Form 5), and A Level students (Upper 6th) are usually taught in their free study periods.
Instrumental lessons currently offered are:
- Voice
- Brass
- Woodwind
- Percussion
- Strings
- Guitar
- Piano /Organ
- Theory of Music
There are no group lessons, individual lessons are taught only.
Music lessons are £21/ 30 minutes for individual lessons.
Lessons are taught in blocks of 10 per term.
Instrument hire is £30/ per term, most instruments can be rented from the school.
Theory of Music is run as a club and is free.
Ensembles are run as a club and are free.
Parents and Guardians are invoiced directly from the instrumental teacher. Please note as per the parental agreement discontinuation of lessons should be done with half a term’s notice.
Student Involvement in School Activities
Students taking instrumental and vocal lessons are strongly encouraged to be a member of extra-curricular music (Orchestra, Jazz Band, Choir, Barbershop, Brass Ensemble) as this will help develop their playing and they will have further opportunity to enjoy performing.
Grade Examinations
Students are often entered for grade examinations following discussion with their teacher. St Columba’s College is often used as a centre for ABRSM examinations and those set by other boards can be taken externally by arrangement with their teacher.
Booking Lessons
If you are interested in your child taking instrumental/vocal lessons at St Columba’s College please click on the link below and complete the enrolment form:
For the question on Form name, please enter Year group e.g. Year 3, 4 , 5 or 6.
Please note that if filling out the form during the school breaks, there may be a delay in response. If you have any queries please do get in touch with the Music Coordinator Mrs Foxwell who is available during term time.
Recommended Summer Reading
Summer Reading
There will be recommended reading lists provided within Welcome Packs at the New Parent Information & Social Evening. Students will also be informed of projects etc. on the Familiarisation Day.
If you have any queries regarding work over the summer break, please contact
Prep Handbook
For all other information and details regarding the Prep School please read the Prep Handbook below: