Drama at St Columba’s allows students to explore the captivating world of theatrical arts.
This engaging and dynamic subject introduces students to a range of theatrical techniques, genres, and performance skills, nurturing their creativity, collaboration, and self-expression. We encourage parents and guardians to take an active interest in their child’s learning, and attending live theatre productions, from amateur to professional shows, can greatly enhance their understanding and appreciation of the art form.
Drama: Prep
There are many opportunities during the year for audiences to see the pupils appearing ‘on stage’. Even in Reception, our youngest pupils will become accustomed to standing in front of others to sing and perform.
Weekly class assemblies on Fridays provide the opportunity to develop performance skills and clear public speaking. The children notably develop in self-confidence so that, by the time they are in Prep 2, they are performing the main roles in the Lower Prep Nativity. Drama is taught from Prep Four within the curriculum and Prep 5&6 Performing Arts lessons is allows our pupils specialist access to the Senior classrooms and staff. Our largest production takes place in the Trinity Term and involves all the pupils in Prep 5 and 6. Many different musicals have been performed, including ‘The Wind in the Willows’ and ‘The Pirates of Penzance’. It is certainly the case that, whatever the play, the standard of performance is very high and the shows create memories that will last a lifetime.