Meet The Staff
We are extremely fortunate to have a remarkable team of teachers and support staff in the Prep School: they are enthusiastic, dedicated and loyal, always putting the children first in all they do, constantly demanding and inspiring the very best standards of their pupils and sharing a common desire to instil the Columban ethos by example and love.
Our staff team feels like a family and this might be because so many of us are extremely long-serving, representing many combined years of service on the staff of St Columba’s.
“I don’t really know who my favourite teacher is. Most of them are good fun. They get strict if I don’t try hard but they always take time to explain what I have to do to improve.”
This is a very happy ship, enjoying good leadership, strong parental support and great enthusiasm and approval from the pupils.
Prep Leadership Team
Mr R McCann
Head of Prep
Miss C Maton
Deputy Head and SENDCo
Mr K Boland
Deputy Head of Prep
Teaching Staff
Mrs Baker
Head of Music
Mrs C Batten
Lower Prep Lead
Mr N Batten
New Student Transition Coordinator
Mrs S Burgon
ADT Subject Leader
Mrs E Freedman
Form Tutor
Mrs A Jeffery
RE Subject Leader,
Prep 5 Form Tutor
Mrs H Keating
Prep Prayer & Liturgy Lead,
Liturgy Co-Ordinator
Miss K Leahy
KS2 Lead Teacher
Mrs G Plunkett
Head of Careers and Higher Education
Mrs G Lewis
Mathematics Subject Leader
Mr T Malhotra
Form Tutor
Social Studies Lead
Mrs H Stott
Teacher of PE & Teaching Assistant
Mrs N White
English Subject Leader, Form Tutor
Mrs L McLeod
World Cultures Teacher
Mrs G Muncer
Form Tutor
Mrs M Papesh
Head of Science in Prep, Form Tutor
Mr M Turpin
Upper Prep Lead
Miss L Walsh
Mr P Warnes
Wellbeing Lead
Mr N Morrison BSc
Computing Subject Leader
Mrs H Lorman
Form Tutor
Miss C Crowthe
Form Tutor
Miss L Cockerell
Form Tutor
Prep Support Staff
Mrs A Alexander-Fishwick
Prep Librarian & Upper Prep TA
Mrs P Baldwin
Teaching Assistant
After School Club Supervisor
Mrs P Allen
Teaching Assistant
Early Morning Care Supervisor
Mrs S Edun
Teaching Assistant
Miss L Cancelliere
Prep School Secretary
Mrs A Cancelliere-Nash
ADT Technician
Mrs V Holland
Teaching Assistant
Mrs L Lavin
Assistant SENDCo
Mrs M Masters
Prep School Admissions, Learning Support Assistant
Mrs E McConachie
PA to Head of Prep
Mrs L Noone
Teaching Assistant
After School Club Assistant
Mrs S Jones Biggar
ADT Technician
Mrs C Dobbyn
Science Technician
Br L Beaunoyer
Prep Teaching Assistant
Mr J Lemmon
Music Assistant
Mrs N Murru
Teaching Assistant