Wrap Around Care
Breakfast Club begins at 7.30am. Children are welcomed and given toast and cereal by a member of our excellent TA team, who support them as they play and bring them to their classrooms for the beginning of their school day.
Alternatively, parents may bring pupils into Early Morning Care in the Prep Studio which opens at 8am. Here they can meet their friends and enjoy a gentle, supervised play session to begin their day.
For our family, it’s made a real difference that the Prep responded to requests for earlier care in the morning. I’ve been able to change my work pattern and now we have a little more family time.
When I get home and I’ve already finished my Home Learning, it’s brilliant.
At the end of the day, we offer care until 5.30pm after lessons. Upper Prep pupils are provided with a quiet environment in which to read or complete Home Learning, supported by a member of staff. The younger children of the Lower Prep have a snack and then enjoy relaxing with a film, construction toys, drawing and other activities, all supervised by a TA or member of the teaching staff. After School Care will cost £5 per session.