We prioritise the holistic development and well-being of our Prep students. PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education) is an integral part of life in the Prep School, encompassing formal lessons, playground interactions, and support from RE lessons and tutor contact time.
Our curriculum follows the Thoughtbox education syllabus, which focuses on developing three
core skills: thinking, feeling, and connecting, through the practices of self-care, people-care, and
environment care. This unique approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of personal
well-being, social relationships, and environmental responsibility.
Additionally, we offer specialised workshops on Mental Health, Anti-bullying, and Mental Health Champions throughout the year, enriching the learning experience and supporting our students emotional and social development. Informal assessments occur during lessons, aligned with the RSE (Relationships
and Sex Education) curriculum outcomes, and formal quizzes further measure student progress.
PSHE: Prep
Course Description
PSHE is an integral part of life in the Prep School. It is taught formally through lessons but also informs interactions on the playground as well as being supported by RE lessons and tutor contact time.
Curriculum Overview
Our curriculum follows the Thoughtbox education syllabus which teaches three core skills of thinking, feeling and connecting through the three core practices of self-care, people-care and environment care. There are breaks in the curriculum to follow teacher designed lessons through Black History Month and Childrens Mental Health Awareness Week. The reproductive system is taught to Prep Six during their Biology term in Science.
What are the unique selling points of studying this subject at St Columba’s College?
Not only do we follow an exciting syllabus through Thoughtbox’s Triple Wellbeing approach. We also invite workshops on Mental Health, Anti-bullying and Mental Health Champions throughout the year.
How are the students assessed?
Students are assessed informally lesson by lesson against the RSE curriculum outcomes as well as formally through quizzes.
Home Learning
How can parents/guardians support their child’s learning?
Parents and guardians can support their children’s learning through sharing parts of the newsletter especially Mr Warne’s Wellbeing section as well as attending highlighted parental sessions.