Sixth Form Curriculum Overview
Each student’s progress is closely monitored throughout the Sixth Form at St Columba’s College. Students are encouraged and guided to select the correct A level subjects for them.
The College uses a number of indicators, such as GCSE results, A Level Information Service (ALIS) testing and target grades to ensure they are on track.
Subject leaders and tutors liaise and regular meetings are held to highlight any potential underperforming students, so that the College can pre-empt any difficulties, and therefore provide the extra support needed.
“Quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.”
“Pupils communication skills across the school are excellent.”
“Pupils have strong study skills and demonstrate excellent attitudes to learning.”
“Extensive university entrance and careers advice is provided for Sixth Form students as they consider their next step in life. Develop notably strong levels of self-belief and esteem.” ISI Inspection June 2022
The A Level course is supplemented by supervised study time and all students follow an Enrichment Programme, incorporating Religious Education, Young Enterprise, Certificate/Diploma in Financial Services and the Extended Project Qualification (which develops independent learning skills). Games, in which there are various options, remains a compulsory component of the curriculum.
Students will need to achieve the requisite grades needed to study each A Level – further details can be found in the Sixth Form Prospectus.
We are delighted, that from September 2025, in addition to our A Level pathway, we will be offering, Additional Assessment Qualifications (AAQ) in Business and Sports. These qualifications, led by Cambridge, offer an equivalent pathway to A Level, with a pronounced modular emphasis, and increased work experience opportunities. For further details please see our new AAQ Prospectus